Mollie Harris

Hello my name is Mollie. I fell in love with art during my GCSE years to then further study at Calderdale College. To present running art activities with children, art has healed me over the years.

My main focus is colour and shapes using oil and clay to bring the canvas to life. Artists who inspire me are Louise Hepworth-Wood, Heather Buelcher and David Hockney. My art evolves with me, each canvas I paint on is representative of my state of mind. The small collections materialise strips of colour. In time I hope to have viewers that will see my art as calming and during dark times there is always colour to bring a glimmer of resilience and hope.

Having a positive mindset and remaining calm is a survival technique I have learnt over a period of time which I hope to express this onto my viewers.


Matthew Mullin


Susannah Jackson