My paintings always begin in situ, observing the fluctuations in weather through the seasons. These variations of light enhance and transform colours, tones, moods, textures and reflections creating sensual atmospheres which speak to the imagination.

If out walking with a rucksack, then it’s watercolour, stick and ink, gouache and Carré pastels working in sketchbooks, gathering observations for studio paintings. Where circumstances permit carrying my pochade box, I’ll work in oils or gouache and complete a small painting on wood panel there and then and often use it again as a reference for larger paintings later in the studio. My beautiful native Yorkshire landscapes feature largely, as does my love of the Lake District and the glorious Highlands and coasts of Scotland.

Portrait commissions have included eminent members of the Clergy, the Medical and Academic world. As an MA from Leeds University, I wrote a Fine Art Degree for a Leeds college, have exhibited in London Galleries and have work in private collections in Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy and America. My work has been published in a number of books.

I run classes in the autumn and winter weeks. More information is available on my website, Instagram and by visiting my studio.


Christine Pilgrem


Michelle Hughes