Michelle Hughes

Michelle Hughes is a printmaker and designer who draws inspiration from nature and the British countryside. Her linocut prints beautifully reflect her connection to the landscapes and wildlife, particularly within the Yorkshire Dales, Yorkshire Coast, North York Moors, and the Lake District.

Michelle enjoys walking and cycling as a way to explore and capture the essence of a place. Her creative process begins with the photographs she takes during these journeys, serving as references in the studio. Each print is meticulously crafted using the multi-block linocut method, where she hand-carves individual lino blocks for each colour. She then hand-prints each layer with oil-based inks using an etching press, producing limited edition prints.

Michelle's background in surface pattern design, homeware, and fashion is evident in her use of colour and pattern. Her distinctive style, characterised by a pared-down palette, tonal colour use, and stylised silhouettes, conveys a style reminiscent of vintage travel posters.

Michelle offers small group workshops in her print studio and teaches linocut courses online, sharing her passion and helping others discover the joy of printmaking.


Geraldine Thompson


Kerry Stoker