Aneeta Seshan

Graduating from The Scottish College of Textiles , then Glasgow School of Art her textiles stem from many, many long sessions of freehand stitching primarily on a sewing machine .

There are original framed artworks , brooches, badges , bookmarks and illustrations which are then reproduced to produce tea towels , aprons and other usable items in addition to commissions for retail outlets. Examples of caricature and a series of natural motifs establish themselves to create an enchanting fantasy world of special places to visit.

She takes inspiration and sources her ideas from a very personal understanding of children’s book illustrations . There are stories and tales which allow the imagination to float , then focus , until she establishes her own ‘stitchy tales’… Maps, historical references and her early years growing up in Glasgow have formed a secret world from which she can draw.

She says… ‘I look for happiness in memories and wish to evoke some of those early years …colouring in …stitching and drawing the threads into those tales. ‘


Gillian Gilroy