I am fine art trained and based in Wharfedale.

For the last five years I have focussed almost exclusively on making screen prints, exploring the wide range of ways in which this process can be used to varying effect. My work does not fit readily into a single category or style, but remains forever exploratory, playful and transformative.

I am led by process, the materials I work with and the place I find myself in, to share what I observe and experience in the material world around me, whether I am breathing in a view, scrambling over places lost to time or rummaging through the gritty detritus of everyday life.

Some of my prints rely heavily on the photography of readily recognisable places whilst others reach for pure abstraction. It is an apparent contradiction in my practice which I really enjoy.

Born and raised in industrial West Yorkshire, I spent my young adult years mainly in London, before returning to Yorkshire to live in Wharfedale in 2003. Originally educated as a linguist and then a lawyer, the discipline and work with language instilled by this training inevitably feeds into my work, but it was my training as a fine artist from 2004 to 2009 that re-connected me with the impulse to explore, think and learn by doing and making creative work. I was awarded a first class degree in Fine Art in Leeds and went on to post-graduate studies in site-specific and socially engaged practice in Liverpool. After several years of working in art education, I now work exclusively as a freelancer, making my own work and running workshops.

I have exhibited my work and participated in art events in collaboration with different studio groups in the UK, Europe and the USA. Galleries I have exhibited at include: the Mall Galleries, London; the Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool; Tate Exchange at Tate Liverpool; Huddersfield Art Gallery; Cooper Gallery, Barnsley; and BIG Gallery Dortmund. I am currently represented by Tinker Gallery, Ilkley where my work is available to see and buy.


Rachel Hinds


Sarah Cooper