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Olivia Beau
Olivia has been an artist for the last three half years, going full-time almost immediately upon discovering she could paint. Olivia works from her countryside home studio near Ilkley and travels frequently to the family house in Filey to exhibit at the Pop-up Gallery shop, a venture she co-hosts with her parents and daughter.
Kathryn Fox
I am fine art trained and based in Wharfedale. For the last five years I have focussed almost exclusively on making screen prints, exploring the wide range of ways in which this process can be used to varying effect. My work does not fit readily into a single category or style, but remains forever exploratory, playful and transformative.
Joanne Tinker
I am an artist who seeks to transform ordinary objects into something precious, something special. Metal bottle tops, acupuncture tubes, confectionary wrapping and aluminium cans have all featured as materials, although chocolate foil wrappings remain a constant in my work.