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Anita Burrows
Anita Burrows lives in Ilkley and works in Higherford straddling the border between Lancashire and Yorkshire.
Anita finds the idea of connecting Fine Art and Craft particularly interesting. Her work is inspired by the natural environment and the play of light on surfaces at the beginning and end of the day when light is very contrasty.

Joyce Simpson
I am a published digital artist and photographer based in Yorkshire.
My work is driven by a deep passion for creating art that leaves a lasting impact - pieces that stir the imagination, evoke emotional responses and challenge perception.
Through the medium of photography, I craft unique digital artworks that transform reality into something far beyond the ordinary.

Gillian Gilroy
I have lived in Ilkley all my life and it is intrinsic to who I am as an artist. My work is based around line, this can sometimes involve different mediums but is always based around those original marks. My work is led by feel and intuition. The image emerges from the page as I capture depth, perspective and character.

Michelle Hughes
Michelle Hughes is a printmaker and designer who draws inspiration from nature and the British countryside. Her linocut prints beautifully reflect her connection to the landscapes and wildlife, particularly within the Yorkshire Dales, Yorkshire Coast, North York Moors, and the Lake District.