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Matthew Mullin
I studied BA Hons Illustration at the University of Central Lancashire graduating in 2004. I worked for a number of years as a freelance artist from my Manchester based studio . I produced mainly large scale canvas paintings along with book and magazine illustrations. Due to health and personal circumstances I had to take a break from my art work . I moved to Ilkley in 2012 and have worked as a chef in the same job for the last 9 years . In 2022 I was able to rekindle my love and passion for painting and had an exhibition of my current work at Friends of Ham in Ilkley , receiving lots of positive feedback and selling some pieces .

Jo Whitehead
Originally from North West London, I studied at Harrow School of Art. In 1988 I moved to sunny Silsden, teaching art at Keighley College and as a visiting artist in schools.
I acquired an allotment plot 10 years ago and began a one sided "relationship" with the birds that visit the plot. This has led to a fascination for birds - songbirds, moorland birds, tropical birds - the source material is endless.

Olivia Beau
Olivia has been an artist for the last three half years, going full-time almost immediately upon discovering she could paint. Olivia works from her countryside home studio near Ilkley and travels frequently to the family house in Filey to exhibit at the Pop-up Gallery shop, a venture she co-hosts with her parents and daughter.

Christine Pilgrem
Christine likes to express her love of the great outdoors in her landscape paintings. Gaining inspiration from both the Yorkshire countryside and her travels further afield, she likes to interpret what she sees and her emotional response to the landscape. She loves nothing more than a bit of moody weather and blustery skies, which we get plenty of in Yorkshire!